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Links and other Resources

This page will hold links to web-sites, books, movies and other useful campaign materials.  If you want to add anything, please email us the details - a web link and brief description.

Useful websites - major backers of the global climate action in Sep/2014 and the fossil-free divestment campaign.

Keep it in the Ground Campaign.  Fastest growing divestment petition ever!  Sign it and share it now.

EU Energy Efficiency Directive how-to guide.  Seems like HM Gov. haven't read it - UK is 13th out of 28 in the EU :-(

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.  The real politik leading up to Paris in December 2015.

Intergov. Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  The authority on causes and effects of climate change. Summary (PDF)

Global survey of low carbon cities.  Guess what, Birmingham isn't on the map.  Must try harder!

UK Committee on Climate Change. Produce and monitor HM Gov Policy. Still not on track for 2050.

Current national policy.  only 80% target reduction by 2050 and we're not on track for that...

UK emissions trajectories.  useful blog showing current UK target & performance and what we must do.

Climate Action Tracker.  Explains why UK / Eu policy is totally inadequate.

International Energy Agency.  Low-carbon roadmaps.  Lots of detail, but only 50% cut by 2050. Must try harder.

Campaign Against Climate Change. Coalition for action in Paris 2015, 1 million climate jobs and divestment.

The Climate Coalition.  UK-wide, 100+ member organisations. Does what it says. Good resource list.

Carbon Trust.  Advisors to larger organisations, focussing on reducing carbon footprint.

Climate Action Network International.  (No relation to CANB).  Useful resources and campaign materials.

Sandbag.  Hard facts on emissions trading and why it matters.  Hint -the current system is broken.

European Climate Foundation. Big budget policy / campaign group.  Good source of hard facts.

Carbon Brief.  Useful summary of the IPCC recommendations from 2014.  Why a binding deal in Paris is essential.

Climate Denial Myths Debunked.  Great summary to use with anyone who still believes fossil industry BS.

Analysing denialism.  It helps to know what we're up against.

More denial-debunking material.  All the detail you'll ever need.

10 Divestment Myths Debunked.  Bill McKibbon nails the case for divestment from fossil fuels.

Met Office Climate Science.  Hard facts.

Zero Carbon Hub.  Supporting zero carbon homes programme in UK.  

Green Building Council.  Emphasis on refurbishment of our leaky housing stock.

Sustainability Council.  More guidance on housing retrofit programmes.

Climate Outreach.  Great resource library on positive, values-based campaigning.

Cllr Lisa Trickett.  Lead Councillor for Birmingham's "Smart and Sustainble City".  Hint: she has an email address.

They Work for You.  It doesn't get easier than this to find details on your local MP.

Write to Them.  It doesn't get easier than this to lobby your local / national / EU rep directly.

Eco Schools.  International campaign / network to "green" schools and raise awareness in children and parents.

Transition Network.  Home of the grass-roots charity working to cut carbon and increase resilience.

Climate Simulation.  Great learning / teaching resource to illustrate climate trajectories, based on latest science.

Global Simulator.  This one covers climate, land and food production to 2050 (HM Gov)

Energy Bill Revolution Campaign.  Fuel Poverty / emission reduction campaign - lobby your MP.

The Carbon Bubble Explained.  We cannot burn 4/5 of known fossil reserves.  Explains the financial implications.

Divestment resources.  Detailed material from ShareAction campaign.  Lobby your pension provider.

Carbon Free Investor Guidance.  Pro-level detail on shifting investment from fossil-fuels to renewables.

Green Electricity Providers Compared.  Use your consumer power - switch to green(er) electricity today.


Books etc.

The Burning Question.  Why we mustn't burn 4/5 of known fossil reserves and what to do about it. Essential reading.

Controlling Climate Change. Detailed online book by Bert Metz, ex co-chair of the IPCC.

Transition Companion.  Detailed how-to guide for local communities adopting the Transition Town model.

Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air. Very detailed ebook (2008) on migration to zero carbon by David MacKay.

The Winning of the Carbon War.  Jeremy Leggett's book on energy politics.  Free sample downloads.

Films and other media, including You Tube, Vimeo etc.

James Hansen TED Talk.  A hero of the climate campaign.  Worth 18 minutes of your time.

Disruption, the movie.  Campaign film.  Scary and inspiring in equal measure.  Our generation is carrying the can.

Carbon Footprint of Everything.  30 min YouTube version of the book "How Bad are Bananas".

This Changes Everything.  YouTube record of Naomi Klein book tour event in Oxford, Oct/2014.

Wake up, Freak Out, Get a Grip.  12min movie about climate "tipping points" - why 2 degree rise is the maximum.

Do the Math.  Another get-you-off-the sofa movie.

GCSE level slides on Climate Change.  Useful secondary education resource.

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